Homeschooling parents have found a lot of great ways to include ArtObet in their curriculum and have found it a useful tool for teaching art history and reading. Blogger “Inspiring Jibberjabbers” writes in her review, “The video is entertaining with music, poems, and animations. It is well put together and very professional… You could definitely use Artobet as a guide for studying art history, and add in your own activities. Artobet’s website also has some great ideas for supplemental activities and fun… We will definitely include Artobet in our studies for next year. We may just use the video as a guide to a more in depth study of each artist and period. Of course, you know kids will watch a good video over and over and over….it’s great to know they are soaking up useful information at the same time!”
Read Inspiring Jibberjabber‘s full review and let us know if you have any ideas for how to use ArtObet as a homeschooling resource.
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